Food Export-Northeast once again represented the Northeast U.S. fish and shellfish industry at Seafood Expo Asia, an industry trade show held in Singapore from September 4 – 6, 2024. This year’s edition saw the largest international representation of seafood and processing equipment exhibitors from 46 countries who gathered in person to network and establish business partnerships.
Northeast U.S. seafood suppliers were given the opportunity to exhibit within Food Export-Northeast’s pavilion and were offered a package of Food Show PLUS! services to enhance their presence at the show. Food Export’s In-Market Representative (IMR) based in Singapore offered participating suppliers a market briefing and tour, on-site assistance, introductions to qualified buyers and post-show lead qualifications. Additionally, the IMR laid the groundwork for productive meetings by sending invitations to targeted buyers well in advance of the show.
One participating supplier shared that the onsite support contributed to their success: “The In-Market Representative has been very helpful and informative. This was a great overall experience.”
Why should Northeast U.S. fish and shellfish suppliers include one or more of the Southeast Asian countries (Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Burma) on their market exploration list in 2025?
Here are a few reasons:
1. Fish and Shellfish are What’s for Dinner (and perhaps also for Breakfast and Lunch)
According to the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO), Southeast Asians consume double the average global consumption of marine-sourced protein per capita annually – with consumption of 34.9kg in the region versus the global average of 20.3kg.
2. A Taste for Northeast U.S. Fish and Shellfish
U.S. exports of American lobster, Atlantic sea scallops, monkfish, dogfish, and squid combined totaled US$33.7 million in 2022, up 206% over 2021.
3. Lobster Love
American lobster was the second leading U.S. seafood export to the region at US$20.3 million in 2022, up 64% from 2021.
Capitalizing on growing demand for northeastern U.S. fish and shellfish will provide northeast seafood suppliers with opportunities for market expansion and new sales.
What are some next steps suppliers can take to explore Southeast Asian markets?
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