Market Builder
Finding the right market and buyer for your product is the key to exporting success. This one-of-a-kind service offers custom packages designed to each exporter’s needs.
Market Builder provides flexible, customized research to help your company uncover new potential in international markets. It has two components: Market Scan and Rep Finder, which can be purchased together or separately.
Market Scan provides initial, in-depth market research services for a specific product, including:
Ms. Boyce began her career over 26 years ago in the food industry at Procter & Gamble and has managed her own marketing consultant business for the past 16 years. Her clients include manufacturers, public relations agencies and associations within the food industry. Kathy executes trade relations outreach initiatives including management of buyer trade missions, match making services between buyers and sellers, event management for trade shows and seminars and executing customized retail and industrial promotions on behalf of clients. She has been a keynote speaker for many food industry events. She also specializes in government relations, import regulations (including packaging and label requirements) and provides customized market research. Kathy is a member of the Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters, the Canadian Health Food Association and Women in Food Industry Management.
Rep Finder provides the opportunity for direct meetings between your company and a select group of targeted importers. These opportunities include:
Top U.S. products in demand:
Get a head start with Market Intelligence Reports.
We have the market intelligence you need to make informed decisions to determine if this market is right for your products.
Participants in 2019 Market Builder Reported:
You may be eligible for up to 50% reimbursement on:
Your Connection To Growth®
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