Food Export-Northeast and Food Export-Midwest recently exhibited at the Northern Nut Growers Conference.
Food Export-Northeast and Food Export-Midwest exhibited at the Northern Nut Growers Conference in Syracuse, N.Y. from July 21 through July 24. More than 220 nut growers, academics, and others were in attendance at the conference. Food Export’s goal was to educate attendees of the conference on the educational and Branded Program resources Food Export offers small- and medium-sized businesses.
“There are people entering the business who see tremendous potential for nut production and exports,” Ron Tanner, Food Export Partnership Coordinator, said. “Black walnuts are sought after and grow well in the northern states.” Companies such as Breadtree Farm and Clerico Farm are leading the way in northern nut production.
Tree nuts are the third largest U.S. agricultural export, behind soybeans and corn. The market is dominated by large producers, primarily in California and Oregon. But there are many small producers with export potential in states like New York, Michigan, and Missouri. Learn more about Food Export at
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