Do you know what the most common mistake is when claiming lodging?
By Amy Austin, Branded Program Coordinator, Food Export-Northeast
What’s the most Common Mistake Made When Claiming Lodging? Not Getting a Hotel Folio!
Companies are permitted to submit lodging expenses for up to two company representatives when exhibiting at an eligible foreign tradeshow or participating in an eligible FAS sponsored trade mission. A mistake that Branded Program staff see time after time is travelers forgetting to get a hotel folio when checking out of the hotel. It is more common than not to book and pay for a hotel through a third-party travel site, and this is not an issue except when the hotel does not provide the guest with a receipt/folio when checking out. Program regulations require proof of stay confirming that the dates of the stay match the reservation in addition to the online booking confirmation. As part of your travel documentation, you must provide a folio from the hotel stating the check in and check out dates as well as the name of the guest(s). Hotel costs cannot be reimbursed without this and obtaining it after the fact is possible, but sometimes difficult, and causes a delay in the processing of the claim. The best thing to do is ask the hotel for a receipt when you check out! Even if there are no charges on it, it will be on the hotel’s stationery and document that you stayed there on those dates!
Airbnb is becoming a more popular option for business travelers and is also a reimbursable lodging expense. To be reimbursed for eligible nights stayed at an Airbnb, the traveler must submit not only the booking confirmation and proof of payment, but also a proof that the stay matched the reservation. This can be a review of your stay written by the property owner after the fact, or written certification from the property owner confirming the dates of the stay.
If you remember to do this, then submitting your reimbursement for lodging will go smoothly!
The Food Export Branded team is always here to answer your questions and we HIGHLY suggest you contact us before booking your travel whenever you have questions or doubts about eligibility!
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