The story of BNutty Gourmet Peanut Butter began in 2014 on a soccer field when the company founders/soccer moms were unhappy with fundraisers promoting unhealthy food choices. These moms came together with an idea and an unbeatably delicious gourmet peanut butter to help young athletes raise the money needed for their soccer team tournament expenses. The product’s popularity grew quickly, and the Indiana-based company promptly became more than just a fundraising product. BNutty expanded its flavor selections with exciting combinations like honey-roasted peanuts with pretzel and white chocolate peanut butter or toffee and milk chocolate peanut butter – all with the unique honey-roasted crunch that makes BNutty special. Demand grew, and the annual fundraiser became a monthly fundraiser, then a weekly farmer’s market booth (staffed by the soccer team), followed by placement at local grocery stores, and is now distributed nationally and appears regularly on QVC. This company is passionate about giving back to its local community, founding a scholarship program for student-athletes, and completing a fundraising campaign that built a soccer complex right down the road from its production facility. In addition to wholesale and retail, BNutty offers co-packing, food service, club sizes, and private-label products. Most importantly, they still provide fundraising opportunities for non-profits, schools, and youth sports.
This woman-owned company was referred to Food Export-Midwest by the Indiana State Department of Agriculture in 2021 for assistance in expanding its products internationally. BNutty started participating in Food Export’s Branded Program to defer costs associated with marketing their products internationally. The program helped the small company double its marketing budget with 50% reimbursement on expenses incurred with social media advertising in foreign markets, attending international trade shows, shipping product samples to potential buyers, and producing promotional marketing materials.
In 2022, BNutty Gourmet Peanut Butter participated in Food Export-Midwest’s Branded Program, intending to expand its product market share in Saudi Arabia, Japan, France, Germany, Singapore, and the Philippines. This past February, the Portage, Indiana supplier reported that with participation in the Market Access Program (MAP) funded Branded Program, they completed impactful sales to Saudi Arabia last year and project to complete double that over the next twelve months. Most notably, this sale marks a first-time export sale to the market for BNutty.
BNutty Co-Founder Carol Podolak shared, “Food Export has been a critical partner for BNutty – they make it possible for us to succeed overseas and grow our business back home. Their ability to provide technical expertise, sales opportunities, and marketing dollars on a cost-effective basis helps a company of our size stay competitive in challenging markets abroad. Groups like Food Export are important public investments allowing our businesses to exceed our goals.”
BNutty is a gourmet peanut butter company, minority/woman-owned and operated. The company was founded by two self-professed soccer moms in Northwest Indiana who wanted to raise funds for youth soccer programs. Since 2014, they have added 74 jobs, expanded from a home kitchen to a 48,000-square-foot facility, and are happy to share that Food Export has helped them grow into 13 countries. They utilize Food Export’s educational services, matchmaking platforms, and leverage the marketing dollars in our cost-share program. BNutty Gourmet Peanut Butter has been part of the Branded Program for two years and has already applied for 2023 funding.
Food Export uses funding from the Market Access Program (MAP) to help America’s small businesses increase their exports of food and agricultural products. As these exports increase, these small businesses are creating jobs and improving the strength and stability of our agricultural economy. Food Export-Midwest and Food Export-Northeast are non-profit organizations that work in collaboration with their member state departments of agriculture and the USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service. They offer a wide range of programs and services that help boost America’s agricultural exports.
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Each year, hundreds of U.S. suppliers participate in the Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast’s programs. As a result, companies are successful at generating new export sales, establishing new distributorship, expanding their production facilities,
and hiring additional employees. Read the Success Stories to learn more!
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