Since 2001, Indianapolis, Indiana-based Vesta Ingredients has participated in Food Export-Midwest programs and services to gain international brand recognition for its animal feed supplement, food ingredient, and supplement products. Vest Ingredients has been a leader in the nutraceutical industry since 1996. The company prides itself on being a premier cGMP and FDA-registered, full-service manufacturer and distributor.
The Indiana company has participated in the full spectrum of Food Export programs, including the Market Access Program-funded Branded Program. “Our success from Food Export-Midwest has made a positive impact on Vesta. We are currently breaking ground on a new production line within our facility. Vesta is expanding the contract manufacturing services for new growth with two platforms of manufacturing Liposomal Products and CO2 extraction. Vesta can also purchase more bulk goods to supply clients worldwide,” shared Kristy Willcutt, Technical Customer Service Representative at Vesta Ingredients.
In 2023, Vesta Ingredients participated in Food Export’s Branded Program to gain brand awareness for its capsule/tablet supplement, formulation aid, and powder supplement products in Thailand. Vesta recently launched high-quality Liposomal Products and CO2-extracted ingredients that benefit consumers. The Branded Program helped the Indiana company achieve projected sales of over half $1,000,000 to Thailand. Vesta Nutra (Vesta Ingredients) also gained 100 new foreign buyer contacts by using its allocated Branded Program funding to advertise its products in event guides, exhibit at overseas trade shows, and create promotional displays.
Overall, Vesta has participated in Food Export programs since 2001, participating in the Online Product Catalog, Market Builder, the Food Export Helpline, and Export Essentials. Vesta has also attended many Buyers Missions, Focused Trade Missions, and Food Show PLUS!™ events. Kristy Willcutt added, “Food Export-Midwest has contributed to the success of Vesta with all the opportunities that otherwise would not have been possible!”
Food Export uses funding from the Market Access Program (MAP) to help America’s small businesses increase their exports of food and agricultural products. As these exports increase, these small businesses are creating jobs and improving the strength and stability of our agricultural economy. Food Export-Midwest and Food Export-Northeast are non-profit organizations that work in collaboration with their member state departments of agriculture and the USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service. They offer a wide range of programs and services that help boost America’s agricultural exports.
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Each year, hundreds of U.S. suppliers participate in the Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast’s programs. As a result, companies are successful at generating new export sales, establishing new distributorship, expanding their production facilities,
and hiring additional employees. Read the Success Stories to learn more!
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Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast reserve the right to deny services to any firm or individual which, in the sole opinion of Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast, does not comply with FAS, MAP or Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast regulations or policies, or otherwise offer the best opportunity to achieve its mission of increasing food and agricultural exports. Submission of any false or misleading information may be grounds for rejection or subsequent revocation of any application or participation. Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast are equal opportunity employers and providers.