In this month’s Branded Program blog, we discuss the sustainability practices some of our participating companies are currently employing.
When you think of sustainability, what comes to mind? Most likely, it is a topic associated with the environment. And while ecological awareness is at the core of the sustainability umbrella, there is more to it. Sustainability is comprised of three pillars: environmental, economic, and social. Through these pillars, sustainability prompts us to consider our consumption and production patterns and the effect these have on the community at large.
At Food Export-Northeast & Food Export-Midwest, we have seen several companies within the Branded Program make changes to their business structures to incorporate sustainable practices. Among these practices are upcycling food scraps from manufacturing processes, reusing packaging that has been cleaned and sanitized, reducing water usage and waste streams, and planting trees in vulnerable and deforested areas.
However, the most common practice is the switch to sustainable packaging. Below is a list of popular food products that have experienced this switch:
Snack Foods – i.e., chips, cookies, nuts, etc.
Pet Food & Treats
These companies have chosen packaging that is either recyclable or biodegradable. Whereas these methods have a direct effect on environmental well-being, they also result in social and economic implications by opening new business channels and opportunities that benefit the local community. As shown by these developments, sustainability entails a commitment to the well-being of current and future communities.
The Food Export Association is resolved to support companies that provide high value products in the face of environmental, economic, and social constraints. Therefore, efforts such as responsible packaging and labeling are expenses eligible for reimbursement through the Branded Program! We can reimburse up to 50% of the cost for packaging and labeling claims. Read this post for more details on how the Branded Program can assist you in the development of compliant labels and packaging.
If you are interested in joining the Branded Program, please contact the Branded Program team in your region or the liaison that covers your state to learn more. Also, since there is no graduation policy, you can return and use the program year after year.
For more information on sustainable food and agricultural production visit the U.S. Sustainability Alliance.
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