As a participant in any Food Export–Midwest or Food Export–Northeast program or activity, I agree to abide by the following terms and conditions:
Persons with disabilities who require reasonable accommodations or alternate means of communication of program information should contact us. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast prohibit discrimination in all their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, familial/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. To file a program discrimination complaint, go to Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast are equal opportunity employers and providers.
Ensuring broad company participation and access to Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast programs and services is an important component in achieving our mission. Food Export programs are open to those appropriate entities that have expressed interest in exporting and exhibit potential of increasing exports of food and agricultural products, and therefore positively impacting our regions’ agriculture, improving the regions’ prosperity and creating jobs. Participation is open to those entities that can demonstrate such impact, either through the presence of corporate headquarters, facilities or significant product sourcing from documented suppliers within our regions, and to all otherwise-qualified individuals and entities on an equal basis and without regard to any non-merit factors.
Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast recognize that other export-focused organizations may also offer resources that are appropriate for entities considering participation in our programs. We view collaboration as an essential component to success, (as evidenced by our own strategic alliance) and strongly advocate using any such effective complementary resources, while at the same time avoiding duplication. Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast make it a priority to inform current or potential participants about other relevant export service providers, including providing them with specific contact information. These include our member state agencies, other State Regional Trade Groups, other Cooperator agricultural groups, U.S. Department of Commerce Export Assistance Centers, Small Business Administration or Small Business Development Centers or other similar organizations.
Maintaining the integrity and public support for Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast’s mission is one of our highest priorities. Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast reserve the right to approve participation in any of our programs based upon the participant’s prospects to help us achieve our mission of increasing U.S. exports, positively impacting U.S. agriculture and creating prosperity and U.S. jobs.
The safety and security of everyone working with and participating in Food Export – Midwest and Food Export – Northeast’s programs and services is our top priority. All individuals shall adhere to the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) guidance, local regulations in the jurisdictions in which the services are rendered and/or events are held, and Food Export’s policies regarding events and activities; these policies may be updated from time to time. If a venue is required for an event, the venue’s guidelines must also be followed. To learn more, visit our Health and Safety Frequently Asked Questions page.
We reserve the right to deny participation, including Branded Program reimbursement, to any company or for any product which, in Food Export–Midwest or Food Export–Northeast’s sole opinion, may cast a negative or controversial light on Food Export–Midwest, Food Export–Northeast, our member state agencies, the Foreign Agricultural Service of USDA, the Market Access Program (MAP) or taxpayer support for any of the above; to any firm or individual which, in the sole opinion of Food Export–Midwest or Food Export–Northeast does not comply with FAS, MAP or Food Export–Midwest or Food Export–Northeast regulations or policies, or otherwise offer the best opportunity to aid in its mission of increasing food and agricultural exports; or for any failure to comply with our Code of Ethics.
Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast reserve the right to deny services. Submission of any false or misleading information may be grounds for rejection or subsequent revocation of any application, participation, expense or reimbursement.
This Code of Ethics (“Code”) of Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast is a statement of the Organizations’ common values and of our common commitment to promote the highest possible standards of professional business conduct for the mutual benefit of the industry and for the ultimate benefit of the consumer.
Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast, by adopting and enforcing this Code, seek to maintain and enhance the reputation of our Organizations and of our Participants within the industry.
It is expected that Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast Staff, Members, Contractors, and Participants in our activities:
Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast does not tolerate fraud in the operation of its programs. Any incident of suspected fraud can be reported (anonymously) by:
Your Connection To Growth®
©2025 Food Export Association of the Midwest USA and Food Export USA–Northeast. All Rights Reserved.
Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, familial/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. (Not all bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require reasonable accommodations or alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact us. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online
Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast reserve the right to deny services to any firm or individual which, in the sole opinion of Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast, does not comply with FAS, MAP or Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast regulations or policies, or otherwise offer the best opportunity to achieve its mission of increasing food and agricultural exports. Submission of any false or misleading information may be grounds for rejection or subsequent revocation of any application or participation. Food Export–Midwest and Food Export–Northeast are equal opportunity employers and providers.