An Overview of Incoterms 2020
Last month, Food Export-Midwest and Food Export-Northeast hosted a webinar discussing International Commercial Terms of Sale, commonly known as Incoterms, which are crucial to streamlining negotiations of contracts, communications, and payments in international trade. Since their inception, Incoterms have undergone revisions to adapt to the changing landscape of global commerce, with the latest update, Incoterms 2020, coming into force on January 1, 2020. Led by Export Education Coordinator Dennis Lynch, a seasoned veteran of international trade with more than 40 years of experience, this webinar covered key topics such as:
Overview of International Trade Terms
Trade Terms are defined by abbreviations or acronyms, such as “CIP” for “Carriage and Insurance Paid,” which, followed by a named location, infer the transfer of risk and costs and the terms of delivery of shipment. This includes:
Components of Incoterms 2020
Incoterms are divided into four main components and are built around the departure and arrival of the shipment. They are:
Understanding Changes in Incoterms 2020
Implemented in January 2020, Incoterms 2020 brought about significant changes aimed at enhancing clarity and adjusting to modern trade practices, including:
What Incoterms 2020 Do and Don’t Do
While Incoterms 2020 play a vital role in facilitating international trade, it’s essential to understand their limitations:
Incoterms DO Divide the Roles of the Buyer and Seller:
Incoterms DO NOT:
Recommendations for Effective Use
To maximize the benefits of Incoterms 2020, suppliers are encouraged to:
Through the Exporter Education Program, Food Export-Midwest and Food Export-Northeast aim to enhance the export expertise of U.S. companies with ongoing educational resources suitable for all experience levels. For more information on International Terms of Sale & Trade, review Export Essentials Module 6, which dives deeper into the topics discussed. Stay tuned for more valuable insights and educational opportunities from Food Export-Midwest and Food Export-Northeast, and be sure to look for more upcoming live webinars.
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